We have seen a significant change in the weather patterns for Paragliding Cape Town, especially the formation of the classic Wind Shadow around the Table Mountain area. In this series of articles we will discuss How and when to paraglide from Signal Hill.
Our first topic of discussion will be the classic Wind Shadow conditions for Paragliding in Cape Town.
The SE wind shadow
We have discussed the formation of the Wind shadow in detail in the previous article on How and when to paraglide from Lions Head.
It has come to my attention that with a few degrees of change in the wind direction, Signal Hill still remains completely flyable whilst Lions Head is not safe to fly from.
The image above displays the formation a wind shadow that is completely safe to fly in if you stay on the Signal Hill ridge, it is however not safe to fly from Lions Head. The white clouds that forms on parts of Table Mountain and the Apostles clearly indicates the presence of the SE wind. The calm area on the ocean indicates the strong presence of a wind shadow. If you are standing on take off you will clearly be able to see the wind shadow line as it is separated with the presence of “whitecaps” on the windy parts. If you see this wind shadow line move closer to the landing area it will be best to rather go and land.
The image above displays the general wind direction on the landing area. Nine out if Ten times the wind will always be South on the landing when flying in a windshadow.
In the next article we will discuss where to find the “house” thermals on the mountain in a Wind shadow.