We are now in the final stages of our preparation for Red Bull X-Alps and the excitement is killing us.
We will be leaving Cape Town on Monday, flying to Bulgaria to pick up our van and then straight to Salzburg to start covering as much of the course as possible.
We would like to thank our sponsors as without them this journey would not have been possible.
Our main sponsor Fly Cape Town Paragliding
Asics South Africa for looking after our footwear and training gear.
Ozone Paragliders for the best paragliding equipment available. I will be flying the Ozone LM5 with an X-alps version of the Ozium lightweight harness.
Columbia Sportswear South Africa for keeping us warm with the ultra cool clothing.
Skins South Africa for the compression gear.
Wallendair for the lightweight paragliding rescue system
Red Bull South Africa for keeping us energised with LOTS of Red Bull whilst we were training and covering the costs of our flights to Europe and back.